Collaborative working
Are you in a contract where the relationship has deteriorated or turned sour? Do you want to re-ignite it so that you can get rid of adversarial or win-lose approaches? Fear not! You’re in good company – these things are sucking the life out of projects everywhere to differing degrees.
High performance, challenging collaborative relationships rarely happen by chance. They need intelligent design and consistently applied and monitored interventions – but ones that are designed to fit the context in which you operate.
Perhaps you are seeking certification to a standard or to meet criteria for some other award or assessment. You’ll need to be able to clearly articulate what you do with regard to what you actually do.
We have great experience and success in these areas, and, as with our other services, work hard to make sure that what you get is what you need, which may not be an off-the-shelf solution.
For our service offerings with regard to bid support or supplier selection click here.
For our services improving your internal team dynamics click here.
How we can help...
Corporate Office
Newlands House, Newlands Road
Charing, Ashford, Kent TN27 0AR
07939 919141